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Friday, December 2, 2011

Ron Paul And The Tea Party Can't Save You: 2012 National Defense Act Is 'Terrifying'

There has been considerable confusion over the past few hours as to whether the Senate -- which passed the National Defense Authorization Act (FY 2012) -- included a last-minute "waiver" to protect American citizens from some of the bill's more outrageous and fascist elements, including the right of the US government to detain citizens -- even those on American soil, and not charged with a crime -- indefinitely in military prison. This means that peaceful protesters could be rounded up, dishonestly labeled as potential terrorists or "suspicious," and imprisoned for life without a trial or attorney. This means that federal military personnel would be patrolling our streets, literally signaling the end of our free republic.
The offending section of the NDAA has been compared to the internment camps the US government ran during World War II, except this time around it will be Ron Paul supporters, Tea Party members, and young Occupy Wall Street organizers in the detainment camps.
It doesn't matter if a last-minute waiver is in the bill; the offending portions are currently worded so vaguely, that any US citizen can be considered a "terrorist" or an aid to terroristic activity. Any US citizen who is inconvenient to the US government can be detained and silenced.
Also, the intent was extremely bad here -- Sens. John McCain, Carl Levin, and Lindsey Graham INTENDED for this bill to redefine the US homeland as a "battlefield" (Graham's words, not mine), allowing the revocation of even our most basic civil rights and access to due process.
When the intent is bad, an intentionally vague section of the NDAA can be interpreted by authorities in the worst possible way. The whole bill must be thrown out, except for key parts to continue military operations and crucial funding of our armed forces.
Let me remind you that this is not a drill. This is not an inflammatory blogger's post. This actually happened, and with the Senate's passage of this bill, it is very close to becoming law. The US mainstream media is not covering this AT ALL, as I pointed out in a recent column. The only source for even remotely accurate information right now is on the social networks, especially Twitter -- this reminds me of something you'd experience in Iran or Syria, not in America.
The best CNN has done, for example, is to mention there's been some "controversy" about new "detainee rights" outlined in the National Defense Authorization Act.
The network neglects to tell its readers and viewers that "detainee" now means American citizen. This is chilling. Americans now have the same rights as random enemy combatants in Afghanistan. Your government is now treating you as it'd treat a member of the Taliban. Congress has committed treason against the American people.
Up until now, no matter how much (or how little) wealth you had... no matter how much or little education and influence you had... every American was at least guaranteed a freedom from fear: your government could not come in the middle of the night with military non-police forces, without charge, and take you away.
If the National Defense Authorization Act clears the House and is not vetoed by President Obama, that will no longer be true. None of us will be safe. And you won't be given access to a trial or a lawyer.
The media is not telling the public about this bill, which means you have to, before your right to speak out disappears. Tell everyone. This cannot be allowed to stand. This is still the United States of America. And any senator who voted in favor of the National Defense Authorization Act in its current form should be forced to resign from public office immediately. They've crafted a bill that turns America's military against its own people and suspends habeas corpus.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Happy Friday

Monday, November 14, 2011


Tat my whole body


I'll be single until I find her..

Thursday, November 10, 2011


The SQUADT GERM s001 will go up for sale on Monday October 31st 2011 at 12:00 Noon Central. The 6" tall piece is made of vinyl, ABS and cloth. It includes a suit and tie, nylon sling bag, .50 sniper rifle with scope and operable bi-pod, sMK23 'sqocom' pistol, 2.0 articulated and 'classic' arms and removable helmet. The SQUADT GERM s001 is an edition of 200 pieces and will be priced at $95.00 (including shipping).

Heavy D Dead At 44

At the end of the Heavy D & The Boyz track “A Bunch of Niggas” — a monumental cut featuring the Notorious B.I.G., Busta Rhymes, Guru and Rob-O — Heavy defiantly declares that he won’t stop his craft until somebody says, “That nigga Heavy D was rough in his day.” Well, it’s unfortunate that his time was cut so short, but no one can say that Heavy D didn’t get his props. Mr. Big Stuff, born Dwight Myers, was a hip-hop innovator, mixed various styles and spat with the delivery of KRS-One and the lightheartedness of Posdnuos. He was an experimentalist, fucking with all kinds of sounds: one minute he’s rapping over New Jack Swing and the next he’s rocking over some Pete Rock coldness. Always tender-hearted, Heavy D became a ring-leader of hip-hop, his albums were a meeting place for hip-hop mainstream and underground alike; particularly after the accidental death of his partner Trouble T. Roy at age 22. Perhaps his greatest contribution to hip-hop was his influence as a fat rapper. Before Heavy D, there was no such thing as a Fat Joe, Big Pun, Notorious B.I.G. or a Rick Ross. The “Overweight Lover” Heavy D was a big, big boy; and just how did he get all those cuties? Well, nobody knew. He had no precedent. There was no formula to follow. He got props from across the board, and his name became as synonymous as Chubb Rock, Big Daddy Kane and Kool G. Rap as a bonafide Golden-Age icon. His career stemmed into acting and he took a 15-year hiatus from performing live. However, Heavy D made a triumphant return to hip-hop at 2011’s BET Hip-Hop Awards this October, proving once and for all that big motherfuckers can dance, and hip-hop legends never lose their stuff. He passed away this Tuesday at age 44. No doubt that Heavy D was rough, but man did he have class. Rest in peace big fella. – MATTHEW HENGEVELD via phawker

Geneva Model XS

Geneva takes initiative here by being the first to pack in true Hi-Fi sound into a portable audio system. The Model XS draws inspiration from the classic travel clock and is capable of being tucked away nicely by folding into a streamline clamshell case. The Geneva Model XS is currently available now and in 3 colors: red, white and black.

Mercedes-Benz SF1 Concept

Steel Drake presents his new Mercedes-Benz SF1 Concept Car. The sportscar of the future comes with a very edgy concept, working with lots of panels, that result in an overall strong visual concept and look. Presented in various colors and locations, the all black version seen here above, certainly transports the message the best.

“Telepathically Raping” Your Wife Is No Reason To Shoot A Man

Shooting someone while not in self-defense is cowardly. If you shoot them because you’re mad at them, or have a minor, ultimately frivolous disagreement with them, you’re pathetic. Of course, that’s a very broad statement, so maybe I should get a little bit more specific.
Don’t shot someone because you think they’ve “telepathically raped” your wife.
I think that may as specific as I can make it.
Seeing as everything I’ve just said up to this point must sound like random nonsense to you, allow me to explain.

Fifty-three-year old Utah resident Michael Selleneit shot and critically injured his neighbor, Tony Pierce, after Selleneit suspected Pierce of having sex with his wife. But, as I’ve already told you, the sex Selleneit claims Pierce had with his wife was of the non-consensual variety, and also of the extraordinarily silly variety.

Pierce is barely hanging on to life, as the bullet tore through many of his vital organs, including the sack around his heart. We can only hope he makes it through.
As for Selleneit, may that idiot burn in hell.
Now, Selleneit has, in the past, made the outlandish claim that Pierce was regularly telepathically raping his wife.

This is where the story gets even sillier.
I’m just going to quote two lines from this article to show you how silly it gets:

Police emphasized again on Monday that Selleneit had been making such accusations for years and there was no validity to them.

“Centerville Police has never found any evidence to indicate that these allegations were true,” [Lt. of the Centerville Police Department Paul]Childs said.

Now, I can go on a long rant explaining why these are silly statements, but I won’t. I’ll spare you. But, as they say, a picture’s worth 1,000 words. So, with that in mind, I will simply leave this picture here to sum up everything that could ever be said about those two quotes:

 And, yes; all of this took place in trailer within a trailer park. So you guessed correctly, even if you never actually thought about a trailer park while reading this story. You probably felt the trailer park-iness of this story in your gut, maybe even in your soul. Or maybe this story telepathically implanted the idea of a trailer park in your head. Ooooo. Spooky, right? Don’t get mind raped!

HTC Rezound

When HTC took the wraps off the Rezound, it tipped us off to a November 14th launch for Verizon's Beats Audio-branded device. Now, it appears that those of you who jumped on the pre-order bandwagon are getting premature access to the red-and-black-tinged goods, with some units arriving as early as today. How'd this come about? Well, it seems a few eager beavers lucked out during the purchasing process, selecting overnight delivery and receiving the phones toute de suite. We can't promise you Big Red's still honoring this ordering quirk, but don't let that stop you from trying your luck. We have a feeling Dr. Dre would approve.

Skyrim Video Review


Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Trampoline Wall Tricks!

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