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Thursday, November 10, 2011

“Telepathically Raping” Your Wife Is No Reason To Shoot A Man

Shooting someone while not in self-defense is cowardly. If you shoot them because you’re mad at them, or have a minor, ultimately frivolous disagreement with them, you’re pathetic. Of course, that’s a very broad statement, so maybe I should get a little bit more specific.
Don’t shot someone because you think they’ve “telepathically raped” your wife.
I think that may as specific as I can make it.
Seeing as everything I’ve just said up to this point must sound like random nonsense to you, allow me to explain.

Fifty-three-year old Utah resident Michael Selleneit shot and critically injured his neighbor, Tony Pierce, after Selleneit suspected Pierce of having sex with his wife. But, as I’ve already told you, the sex Selleneit claims Pierce had with his wife was of the non-consensual variety, and also of the extraordinarily silly variety.

Pierce is barely hanging on to life, as the bullet tore through many of his vital organs, including the sack around his heart. We can only hope he makes it through.
As for Selleneit, may that idiot burn in hell.
Now, Selleneit has, in the past, made the outlandish claim that Pierce was regularly telepathically raping his wife.

This is where the story gets even sillier.
I’m just going to quote two lines from this article to show you how silly it gets:

Police emphasized again on Monday that Selleneit had been making such accusations for years and there was no validity to them.

“Centerville Police has never found any evidence to indicate that these allegations were true,” [Lt. of the Centerville Police Department Paul]Childs said.

Now, I can go on a long rant explaining why these are silly statements, but I won’t. I’ll spare you. But, as they say, a picture’s worth 1,000 words. So, with that in mind, I will simply leave this picture here to sum up everything that could ever be said about those two quotes:

 And, yes; all of this took place in trailer within a trailer park. So you guessed correctly, even if you never actually thought about a trailer park while reading this story. You probably felt the trailer park-iness of this story in your gut, maybe even in your soul. Or maybe this story telepathically implanted the idea of a trailer park in your head. Ooooo. Spooky, right? Don’t get mind raped!


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