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Friday, December 31, 2010

Fallout 3 Pip-Boy 3000

If you've ever played Fallout, you know exactly what this is. If you haven't then you probably wouldn't understand whats cool about it. Luckily for you, I'll explain. Say you cut some guy off on the road, and he gets super pissed and comes at your car and pulls you out of it, and this guys like..8'4, 560 lbs all muscle...or a Super Mutant..whatever. Anyways, say this guy has you down ready to bash your face in with a nail-spiked bat...what do you do? Go to your Pip Boy 3000 to choose a weapon to kick ass with and totally freeze time, and everything around you, then use your VATS to kill him before one of the nails even touches your skin. If he already bashed your face in, cool, use a stimpack...Good as new! Pip Boy 3000 saves the day again!


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