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Friday, December 24, 2010


20-year-old Jerome Taylor recently put on a mask, walked into a restaurant, and waved what appeared to be a small handgun while demanding money. The restaurant's cooks immediately grabbed their knives and prepared for a fight. Then things got weirder.
Terrified by the knife-wielding staff, Taylor suddenly "became apologetic and told the cooks he was only kidding and that he needed money for his child." He managed to flee before the police arrived, but it didn't take them long to catch up with him. At that point Taylor revealed that he didn't have a gun and had threatened the cooks with an iPhone.
Despite the restaurant staff insisting that no charges be pressed because they felt bad for Taylor, the man was charged with attempted robbery and interfering with an officer. [MSBNC]

***F'd up thing is...iPhone does probably have a iGun app...that make it shoot iBullets, and can probably be very iDangerous...smh


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