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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Is Reality T.V. Creating Idiots?

In a word...yes. Reality T.V. is putting up a huge front that makes it seem okay to be an idiot. Example, "16 and pregnant"; people watch this and hope for the best for a girl who has a child but is barely old enough to take a driving test; barely smart enough to want to finish school; and has no direction. My thoughts, your best bet, is to avoid being pregnant at 16, and maybe focus on other things..I dunno..maybe graduating High School or being in a relationship that can withstand the impact of adding a baby. Not only is it giving people false hope and ideas, but the majority of what people see as "reality" is scripted and not even real. I mean seriously, you've got a house full of "women" who compete.... to date Flavor Flav..Need I say more? No...but I will. The worse part about it, is that this is glorifying the bad behavior of men and women, making it seem okay to do the dumb things these "reality stars" do. Jersey Shore; "Smushing" anyone you take home from a club can be fun,.. or it can lead to an STD..I'm just saying, there's real shit out here than can fuck up your whole "reality", but that shits real...unlike the reality t.v shows you watch. No second takes, scripts or any of that. Keep in mind people, when you go to do these things the reality stars do, there's no reality, nobody cares. The people affected most by the bad decisions you make are the people closest to you; and becoming addicted to reality t.v., or trying to mimic what you see on reality t.v, makes you a person that's simply existing, waiting to become a statistic, that will never reach your full potential. Unless you when American Idol, because then, your a slave..but that's a whole new story.


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