8.5 Presentation
The story doesn't match the great performances. The "game" elements are sometimes distracting from the immersive environment.
8.0 Graphics
The faces are pretty damned awesome -- it's the actors, after all. L.A. in the ‘40s looks good. At times the framerate stutters and there are a few annoying graphical glitches here and there.
10 Sound
So much great voice work. The real star is the soundtrack.
8.5 Gameplay
Despite its flaws, L.A. Noire does something we've never seen before. It's too often repetitive and predicatble, but it's still enjoyable.
8.0 Lasting Appeal
Depending on how much time you devote to exploring the city, it will take anywhere from 12 to 20 hours to beat. Many won't find a reason to return.
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