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Friday, August 19, 2011

Vampire Attacks Woman

A woman in Galveston, Texas awoke on the early hours of Saturday morning to be confronted by a teenage boy, who then attacked her to feed his vampire needs.

Lyle Bensley (19) broke into the unnamed woman’s apartment shortly after 1am on Saturday morning. Dressed in just his boxer shorts, Lyle located the victim’s bedroom, once in he began growling and gnashing his teeth. At this point the victim awoke, and was immediately attacked by Lyle, who bit her neck in order to “feed”.  He tried to drag the woman into the hallway, but she managed to overpower him temporarily and get away. The victim stated that she had never encountered Lyle before.

A neighbour overheard the commotion next door, and managed to help the victim to escape. The neighbour stated that the surreal experience was “scary”.

The victim was treated for injuries at the scene, but did not have to attend hospital. Lyle however, who was arrested at the scene, did have minor injuries sustained by kicking in his victims door with his bare foot.
When quizzed by police Lyle stated “I’m a vampire” as a reason for his attack, he has so far only been charged for burglary.

[Seems to me like the boy took the Twilight series to heart, and probably too many um-perscribed, prescription meds. FAIL!!]


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