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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

“And I’d Like to Thank…” Dragatomi

Next month, Dragatomi will be featuring "And I'd Like to Thank..." - new works by Philip Lumbang. "And I Like to Thank..." opens on Saturday October 8th 2011 with a reception that starts at 7:00PM. If you can't get to the opening, it will run until November 5th 2011.
The artist describes the show as follows:

"This exhibition is a "thank you" speech recreated into an art show. I want to thank all of these individual characters in there own respects because they have given me so much inspiration throughout the years. No, I'm not thanking my parents or my agent, this show is a homage to all the cartoon characters, musicians and pop icons that have motivated me to peruse my passion in the arts. My trademark character known as "Awesome Bear" is dressed up as my cultural heroes of yesterday and today. Using spray paint and acrylic i further develop my Awesome Bears character's shape and form, pushing and pulling to create a perfect balance of what is my own idea and what is iconic about my inspirational heroes. I want my audience to understand how i developed such an iconic style with the influence i re-appropriate. This show is very near and dear to my heart, and it is also very important that I am having this show here in Sacramento where i grew up and developed an interest in most of the heroes i am portraying. Get ready to see my bear and many cultural icons like you have never seen them before."


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