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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Custom Laser-Etched Bamboo

You’re gonna kick yourself after you see this and think about the grove of bamboo and blood-thirsty, wild panda you just cleared out of your backyard. You so could have fashioned it into an iPhone case.

Not to worry, Ken Tomita and his wily gang of sustainable-minded makers have you covered. It’s Grove, an Oregon-based shop whippin’ out delectable design for iPhones with your favorite perennial grass. It slams a little bit o’ nature into an accessory market filled with plastic and flaking metal. What’s the coolest things about their product? You can customize the pulp out of it with your own super sweet graphic. Check it.
Grove blends cutting edge laser and CNC technology with fine craftsmanship. Roughly half the work is done by machine and half by hand. No two of our products are exactly the same due to the natural variations of the material and hands of the makers involved. – Grove
Laser technology, baby. That’s cool. And the skull graphic by Jonny Wan down below is now on my want list.

A little video with Ken talking about the reason and the tech.


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