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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Cute ‘n’ Clean Bots

Narita Airport’s floor cleaning robots, Narita-kun and Epo-chan, which sadly are only let loose after hours to do their stuff (Tokyo’s crappy Narita “International” Airport closes at 8pm). 

 These robots may be manufactured by Subaru as they look very much like tarted up bots featured in (2009/12/01), which is autonomously guided by built-in sensors and a laser system and priced at between $35,000 and $46,000.
A bigger and clearer photo of Narita-kun and Epo-chan at Narita Airport can be found here at sleepyhead’s flickr photostream. Also at Narta Airport, there are many Beer Bots that automatically pour a glass a beer with a perfect head of foam. 


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